Friday, April 15, 2016

New Tech Toy, BIG-i robot!

Here is a new one for you kids! The BIG-I robot is a new attempt to make tomorrow of butler robots, today. He can do a lot of things, and unlike a lot of consumer robots on the market, this little guy is a lot more functional than fun. With its unique operating system designed by the company NXROBO, you can teach BIG-i to do different things based on voice commands and visual cues.

What BIG-i can do

“If you see Tommy grabbing the fruit, remind him to wash his hands.”
This command shows off a lot of BIG-i’s features: The robot can see Tommy with its face-recognizing camera, identify that Tommy is grabbing fruit and speak to Tommy after seeing him grab the fruit.
Depending on your needs, BIG-i can be a few different things. For kids in school, BIG-i can be a tutor and help with homework through its Internet connectivity and encyclopedia access. For people who are looking for a fun pet that they don’t need to feed, BIG-i can learn tricks like dancing and play hide and seek. For everyday convenience, BIG-i can be your own personal butler or assistant by taking phone calls, scheduling appointments or reminding you to turn off the oven when you leave the kitchen.
The robo-butler wouldn’t be much of a butler if it just sat in the corner of your room — it has wheels to move around your space and built-in obstacle avoidance.
To make BIG-i respond to specific commands and perform actions, you’ll have to teach it yourself. You can make it look at the couch and say, “This is ‘couch.’” Then you can tell it to perform an action when you sit down on the couch, like turn on the TV. It may take some time to set up and teach BIG-i what everything is, but once you do it’ll have a big range of actions it can perform for you.

BIG-i won’t just take commands from anyone — it will recognize your voice and treat other people as strangers and won’t listen to their commands. This is helpful if you’re a parent with a young child, and you don’t want little Tommy overriding your orders.
Apps are also available to get for BIG-i through its own app store, which you download through your computer or smartphone, making it even more customizable.

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