Monday, April 11, 2016

New Tech Toy, Owlet

Back to the good ol' tech toy! This time I wanted to show you something that will be a practical, and gadget that will make nights with babies that much safer. Owlet makes socks for your little one, that will monitor it's vitals!

The Owlet empowers you with the same technology hospitals use, pulse oximetry. There’s a reason hospitals use pulse oximetry in place of other monitoring options. It’s safe, proven, and accurate. So why not bring the safety of pulse oximetry home from the hospital with your baby? You might recognize pulse oximetry as the clip they put on your finger at the hospital. A small light shines through your skin and the amount of blood flow and oxygen levels are estimated based on how much light is transmitted to the sensor. We combined this technology with a cuddly Smart Sock to give you an extra set of eyes on your baby while they’re asleep.
Why do you get an alert when someone “likes” your status but not when your baby stops breathing? It’s time for a change. Glancing at a traditional monitor doesn’t give you the whole story of your baby’s well being. The Owlet is designed to alert you if your baby stops breathing. This isn’t just accessory, it’s a necessity. It’s not just a necessity for your baby, it’s a necessity for you as a parent because parents need sleep too. You can’t bring your “A-game” to parenting if you’re sleep deprived. Let us be up all night, so you don’t have to be.
Your Owlet Monitor will come with three sock sizes. Owlet will fit your little one until his or her first birthday, and fits most babies up to a year and a half.
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go! If Grandma doesn’t have Wi-Fi, your monitor will still work because the Base Station connects directly to the smart sock and acts as your primary alarm, making it even more reliable. Your Apple device is just a convenience so you can check in on your baby in real time, even when you’re on a date. You need an Apple device to set up the Owlet Monitor. However, Owlet is expecting. Android will be available June 6th and will work with Owlets purchased today.
You can look at this product, and order from


  1. Very nice. Check out me blob:

  2. This is a great device for parents who are worried! Check out my blog at !
